The Office of the Chaplains and the Department of Music at Gustavus will open this weekend’s recital schedule with an organ recital by Cantor and Organist of Christ Chapel Chad Winterfledt on Friday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. This faculty organ recital is free and open to the public.
Dr. Chad Winterfeldt is Cantor of Christ Chapel at Gustavus Adolphus College. In that role, he works with both the Chaplain’s Office and the Department of Music to plan, lead and facilitate the musical and liturgical aspects of worship in the chapel. He teaches courses in church music, music theory and history, guides an active organ studio and directs three handbell ensembles. He is the 2015 recipient of the Swenson-Bunn Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence. He holds degress in organ performance from the University of Nebraska, Yale University, and Concordia College in Moorhead.
Dedicated to both church and academy, Chad enjoys crafting new hymns, arranging music for liturgical ensembles, teaching the art of organ playing, and performing organ music of all periods, but particularly that of Bach and Messiaen. He serves his profession by holding leadership positions in the American Guild of Organists and the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians.
For his spring recital, Dr. Winterfeldt will open with works by Praeludium in C Major by Georg Böhm, and Partita by Richard Purvis, followed by L. Wayne Kerr’s Trumpet Tune on Truro and A Refined Reflection by Stephen Paulus. He’ll conclude the first half with the Saraband for the Morning of Easter by Herbert Howells. Following intermission, Chad will return to complete a set of three works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Wondrous Love: Variations on a Shape-note Hymn by Samuel Barber and conclude the recital with Marcel Dupré’s Prelude and Fuge on B Major, Op. 7.
Friday’s recital by Organist Chad Winterfeldt will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel. Admission is free and open to the public.
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