On the first weekend of December, 6,000 audience and 250 students and staff celebrated Letters and Carols, Christmas in Christ Chapel 2009, Gustavus’ annual community celebration of Advent and the birth of Christ. The beauty of that celebration of music, scripture and historic and current Christmas letters will be a part of a much larger audience this Christmas season as broadcasts of the service will be carried by radio stations throughout Minnesota and Iowa. The students, faculty and staff of Gustavus Adolphus College invite you to be a part of that celebration and wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy new year.
Broadcasts of Christmas in Christ Chapel 2009 which are confirmed at press time are:
KMSU 89.7 FM and KMSK 91.3 FM, Christmas Eve, noon & Christmas Day, noon
KNUJ AM 860, New Ulm, Christmas Day, 3:30 p.m.
KJLY 104.5 FM, Blue Earth and network stations listed, Christmas Eve, 4:00 p.m., & December 27, 11:00 a.m.
with broadcasts from their network stations in:
KJYL, Eagle Grove, IA 100.7 FM
KJCY, Mason City, IA, 95.5 FM
KJIA Spirit Lake, IA, 88.9 FM
and translator stations in:
Storm Lake/Okoboji 96.3 FM
Austin 98.3 FM
Mankato 107.1 FM
New Ulm, 94.1 FM
Mason City 92.5 FM
Owatonna 93.5 FM
St. Peter 97.9 FM
Sleepy Eye/Springfield, 92.3 FM
KWOA, AM 730, Worthington, Christmas Day, 8:00 a.m.
KDHL AM 920, Faribault, Christmas Eve, 10:00 p.m.
KRFO AM 1390, Owatonna, December 21, 3:00 p.m.
At press time, broadcast dates and times had not been confirmed with: KTOE AM 1420, Mankato, KJLR 97.7 FM, Redwood Falls, KSUM AM 1370, Fairmont, KDNI 90.5 FM, Duluth, KATE AM 1450 & KCPI FM, Albert Lea, KQAQ AM 970 Austin and KAUS AM 1480, Austin. Please check with these local stations for date and time of the broadcast.
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