Month: May 2023

  • Gustavus Dance Senior Abbie Doran and Faculty Jill Patterson Awarded National Honors

    Gustavus Dance Senior Abbie Doran and Faculty Jill Patterson Awarded National Honors

    This Memorial weekend, Dance Professor Jill Patterson and senior Abbie Doran will travel to Long Beach, California to present their dance piece, Veneer, at the American College Dance Association (ACDA) National Dance Festival. As one of only thirty pieces chosen to be performed at ACDA’s bi-annual gala, this is one of the highest honors in…

  • Theatre Professor Larissa McConnell Receives National URTA Award

    Theatre Professor Larissa McConnell Receives National URTA Award

    The Gustavus Adolphus College Theatre Department is honored to announce that the University Resident Theatre Association (URTA) has chosen Professor Larissa McConnell to receive the esteemed URTA Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Training in the area of Costume Design and Technology.  “The awards recognize outstanding work of undergraduate instructors, coaches, mentors, as well as institutions,…

  • Fewer Emergencies: Gustavus Adolphus Theater Department Closes Spring Semester with Powerful Production

    Fewer Emergencies: Gustavus Adolphus Theater Department Closes Spring Semester with Powerful Production

    On Thursday, May 11, 2023, the Gustavus Adolphus College Theater Department will open its spring production Fewer Emergencies under the direction of Professor Henry MacCarthy. Thursday’s performance will begin at 8:00 p.m. and the production will run through Sunday, May 14. Tickets are on sale now at Fewer Emergencies, written by Martin Crimp, is…

  • Fine Arts Weekly Preview: May 1 to 7

    Fine Arts Weekly Preview: May 1 to 7

    This week features the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra Concert, the Choral Showcase, the Honors Recital, the Spring Jazz Showcase Concerts, the Senior Studio Art Majors Exhibition, and three student recitals. Gustavus Symphony Orchestra Concerto Concert May 5, 7 p.m. Björling Recital Hall Eavan McCormick ‘24 Student Recital May 6, 11:30 p.m. Björling Recital Hall Honors Recital…