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Nobel 59 Opening Procession Brings the Gustavus Spirit to Life
On October 3 and 4, Gustavus Adolphus College hosted the 59th Nobel Conference. This year’s conference, “Insects: Little Body, Big Impact”, addressed the disproportionate effects…
Metamorphoses: The Growth That Theater Offers
Gustavus Adolphus College is proud to present the Theater Department’s rendition of Metamorphoses. An emotional whirlwind of a play that takes classic stories told by…
What To Know About Dr. Justin Knoepfel
Dr Justin Knoepfel became the conductor of the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra very suddenly. He had already conducted the Philharmonic Orchestra for 10 years when the…
Gustavus Alum’s Nobel Projections Have Big Impact
The Nobel Conference, held annually at Gustavus Adolphus College, combines the efforts of current, past, and future students of the school, along with the general…
Diminutive Messengers and Big Conversations
The Nobel Conference is regarded as one of Gustavus’ best traditions, acclaimed internationally for being a meeting of the best scientific minds. This year, the…
Gustavus welcomes Singaporean singer award-winning Dr. Sridhar
Dr. Janani Sridhar will be performing at Gustavus Adolphus College with pianist Alexander Woods, on September 30, at 7:30 p.m.. Dr. Sridhar is a world-renowned…
Celebrating former music faculty Paul and Helen Baumgartner
The Fine Arts Office and Alumni and Parent Engagement Office are pleased to present the Baumgartner Memorial Concert, a recital to honor and celebrate former…
A Gustie Songbird Returns to the Nest
Dr. Andrew Kendall ‘15 is coming back to the Hill as the conductor of the Choir of Christ Chapel and Lucia Singers. What have you…
Gusties Shine By Working With Renowned Opera Company
Each year, the Chautauqua Opera Young Artist Program attracts anywhere from 700-900 applicants, of which approximately 400 are invited to auditions in the fall. From…
Gustavus Dance Senior Abbie Doran and Faculty Jill Patterson Awarded National Honors
This Memorial weekend, Dance Professor Jill Patterson and senior Abbie Doran will travel to Long Beach, California to present their dance piece, Veneer, at the…
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